The new heroine type, the "Mature, Level-Headed, and Dependable Secretary Maid" is now compatible with “COM3D2 GP02”!
Now, with this new heroine type, you can enjoy yotogi and H events, just like for "Muku," "Majime," and "Rindere," in "COM3D2 GP02."
So, what kind of girl is Mature, Level-Headed, and Dependable Secretary Maid?
"Secretary maid," a position only held by the most talented and experienced maids. Any maid would look up to a mature woman like her. Kind and gentle, yet strict when she needs to be, and in no way lacking in womanly charm, she's like a mother to the maids. She possesses the competence and level-headedness needed to properly guide the maids under her as well as her master. However, (regardless of her actual age,) she's concerned about the generation gap between her and the people around her, and she gets flustered when this is pointed out. She'd like to settle down with someone and start a family soon.
*To play CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2 Personality Pack Mature, Level-Headed, and Dependable Secretary Maid GP02, you must have installed the following three products:
・Personality Pack Mature, Level-Headed, and Dependable Secretary Maid