Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy
January 2024
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards any material that sexualizes, sexually exploits, or endangers children on our platform. If we find or are made aware of it, we will report it.
Nutaku is deeply committed to fighting the spread of child sexual abuse material (CSAM). For the purpose of our platform, this includes any content featuring characters that appear to be underage or any other depictions of children. We view it as our responsibility to ensure our platform is not used for sharing or consuming CSAM, and to deter users from searching for it.
Any content featuring depictions of a child or promoting child sexual exploitation is strictly forbidden on our platform and is a severe violation of our Terms of Service. Written content (including, but not limited to, content titles, content descriptions, or usernames) that promotes, references, or alludes to the sexual exploitation or abuse of a child is also strictly prohibited.
We report all cases of apparent CSAM to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), a nonprofit organization which operates a centralized clearinghouse for reporting incidents of online sexual exploitation of children. NCMEC makes reports available to appropriate law enforcement agencies globally.
Additionally, at Nutaku we endorse and stand behind the objectives of the Voluntary Principles to Counter Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse; a collaborative initiative launched by the Five Country Ministerial (5 Eyes)[1] and backed by industry-leading tech companies to combat online child sexual exploitation and abuse. While some bad actors seek to exploit advances in technology and the digital world, we believe robust, efficient, and flexible policies, as well as participating in and supporting global cross-sector collaboration, can effectively eradicate the spread of online abuse.
If you encounter child sexual abuse material on Nutaku, please report it to us via our Content Removal Request Form. For information on how to report Child Sexual Abuse Material, please refer to the Additional Resources and Support section below.
Anyone can report potential violations of this policy.
For more information on how to report content, see the section titled “How Can You Help Us”.
All complaints and reports to Nutaku are kept confidential and are reviewed by human moderators who work swiftly to handle the content appropriately. If you believe a child is in imminent danger, please also alert your local law enforcement authorities immediately.
[1] The Five Country Ministerial is made up of the Homeland Security, Public Safety and Immigration Ministers of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, who gather annually to collaborate on meeting common security challenges.
If you encounter child sexual abuse material online, please report it to us.