Valentine's Day Sale!

Are you all feeling the love? ‘Cause boy oh boy, I certainly can! 

February rhymes with Valentine’s Day (not actually, but you know what I mean) and it wouldn’t be a proper holiday without a Nutaku sale! From February 11th to February 16th, Nutaku’s Valentine Sale holds enough love for all of us. 

First and foremost, you can expect a bomb Gold Sale. Oh yeah baby, we have quite the goodies in store! With special packs crafted just for you, you can expect to see a whole lot of bonus gold coming your way. Be sure to make the most of the deals- they're limited in time!

Of course, our games are partaking in the celebration of love. The events page will help you navigate the hottest events- with surprises dropping regularly, how could we not be tempted? The real challenge will be to see if you can give enough attention to all of your faves!

And last but not least, we made a lit’ something special for you. Lo and behold, our Valentine’s Playlist! We’re always happy to groove to the mood- and we thought you should too!

Wishing you lots of fun, and Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Love always,




パンゲア オデッセイの神秘的な世界では、破壊的な魔王の台頭と豊穣の女神の生命を与える力という 2 つの古代の予言が王国の運命を決定づけています。国はリリス女王の影に震え、その激しい野心は破滅の前兆とされています。この混乱の中、運命のいたずらにより、伝説の魔法の源があなたの手に渡ります。それは切望されると...

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