Premium Picks - My Boss is Weird

Last month’s Premium Pick featured some kinky BDSM domination action, and this month’s choice continues that trend! This time, however, the tables are getting turned just a little bit. If you’re the type who likes worshiping your women and calling out to your “mommy” in the throes of ecstasy, then My Boss Is Weird is one game you’ll say “yes, ma’am” to.

Our protagonist has been caught in an unfortunate predicament: all of his superiors and supervisors think he’s a Peeping Tom, but haven’t ever actually seen or heard about him in the act. Out of the blue, he’s yanked from work, and ordered to prove his innocence to a ragtag group of sneering, sexy businesswomen. Can he prove his innocence, or will be become a plaything under the women’s immaculately manicured thumb?

What makes My Boss Is Weird so compelling isn’t just being bossed around by anime babes in stilettos and pencil skirts – although that’s definitely part of it! No, what makes the struggle to stay in control so much more satisfying is your ability to prove your innocence. As you proceed through the game, you’ll either roll with the punches, fight for your freedom, or seduce the very women stepping on you. All the while, you begin to see the psychological toll this takes on the protagonist – for better or worse. How this story plays out is entirely in your hands.

What makes this more complicated is your need to keep your stats up. You’ve got make sure you have strong emotional stability, good standing with the right people, inner strength, and cold, hard cash. If any of these in-game resources hits zero, it’s game over for your career and your sex life. Pick and choose your battles wisely, make the right friends, keep your head on straight, and you just might be able to make it through.

Along the way, you’ll unlock unique ways to interact with each of the titular bosses. Through manga-style comic pages, on-screen texts, sexy minigames, and good ol’ fashioned dialogue boxes, My Boss Is Weird gives you a complicated look at all of the characters. What makes the seduction in the game so devious and satisfying, then, is understanding how the women above you think, and learning the ways that they’re getting inside your head. It’s a real mindfreak at points, which is way more than you might be expecting from a workplace hentai game.

But then, that’s precisely why My Boss Is Weird is our Premium Pick this month. There’s already a great premise here – who doesn’t like getting manhandled by powerful, dominant women? – but the devs take it a step further by fleshing out the whole package. There are whole mechanics to learn, different routes to try out, and plenty of blistering hot sex scenes to uncover! It’s more than the complete package – it’s a jam-packed one.

My Boss Is Weird is available on on PC.

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