Game of the Month - TenkafuMA

Sometimes it gets boring being the good guy, especially when it comes to role-playing games. How many noble, pure-hearted, goody-two-shoes heroes can save the world and get the girl before the formula gets a little stale? Seriously – gag us with a spoon (or something else) and give us a hero that’s just as vile, nasty, and conniving as the real world is!

TenkafuMA stars Caesar, the most lovable sociopath you’ll ever meet. Somewhere between noted leisure suit expert Larry and the Duke of gaming himself, Caesar is an apologetically horny narcissist with one thing on his mind: sex, and a lots of it! Unlike those more sympathetic characters, however, Caesar is an immortal demon lord with the means to conquer the Earth and all of its women – human, elf, angel, demon, catgirl, or otherwise. And if you can believe it, he uses every ounce of his demonic power in this grand quest to score the ultimate “booty.”

Now, we at Nutaku can’t fully condone Caesar’s actions, because let’s face it, the dude’s on a power trip! That said, it’s best to think of TenkafuMA like a certain sitcom set in sunny Philly: a comedy about bad people bumbling their way through life. The game is very clear on Caesar being a blundering, vindictive idiot that takes what he wants and doesn’t think about the consequences. Even the women who have willingly sworn fealty to him disagree with his every choice, and are often the ones calling the shots. Case in point: Caesar’s loyal, submissive “servant” advises him on battle strategies during the game’s opening BJ!

Speaking of battles, TenkafuMA makes turn-based JRPGs faster and more fun by blending card combat mechanics with traditional clashes. All the classic JRPGs rules still apply – type advantages/disadvantages, level-grinding, party balance woes, all that jazz – but they’re made less daunting by game that doesn’t fight you trying to play it. Fights play out in fast-paced, frenetic sequences where you draw a hand of your best gals and send them into combat for you. In action, it’s a kinetic experience, with you almost constantly tapping and swiping through each encounter. If JRPGs aren’t active enough for your gamer brain, TenkafuMA takes their combat to the next level.

It helps that the overall experience is extremely polished. The slowdown, weird UI, and general jank of mobile RPGs is nowhere to be found here, with TenkafuMA offering an experience that rivals more “mainstream” publishers. Plus, no “landscape mode” orientation means that the game is easy to pick up and play than most role-playing experiences! Aside from the funny script and addictive combat, this game is just a stellar example of what can be accomplished in a mobile game – let alone an adult game!

And this is an adult game, so all that sex we mentioned? With the catgirls? Angels? Demons? Literally any fantasy female you can conjure up? Yeah, TenkafuMA’s got ‘em all. Nothing will stand in the way of Caesar’s crusade to have as much sex as possible, and he’ll face down strong warriors, noble priestesses, and even fellow devils in the name of scoring. The ensuing sex is mui caliente, too, with almost every fetish on display in lush, detailed sequences that are fully animated and completely uncensored. Thankfully, the tongue-in-cheek script usually prevents this from ever coming across as uncomfortable, and the atmosphere is one of pure fantasy.

(In other words, dear reader, don’t try to conquer the world’s women. In fact, maybe rethink the whole ‘conquering’ angle, yeah?)

But as a goofy, fun, sexy fantasy about demons fighting angels and fucking them afterwards, you don’t get much better than TenkafuMA. It’s one of the hottest, spiciest, nastiest hentai games on Nutaku, and with a top-notch team behind it, we’ve got no doubt it’s destined for greatness.

TenkafuMA is available now.

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