Harem Heroes - Game Updates 8th of May

Art Survey Results


More than 1200 of you voted and your favorite girls are:


1. Oni Princess Yura with 16,5% of the votes

2. Sunless with 11,2 % of the votes

3. Swethyna with 9,9% of the votes


Your least favorite girls are:


1. Alt. Ithori with 18,8% of the votes

2. Faith with 12,7% of the votes

3. Destiny with 9% of the votes





Poses and scenes preview in more places (Boss Bang, Seasons, Path of Valor, Path of Glory, Mega Events, Pantheon, Champions, Club Champion, Places of Power, Leagues)
Optimisation of Club chat for mobile 


Bug fixes


Adding missing timer for Double Date/Pachinko event 
The visual issue impacting the Season panel is fixed 
The issue preventing clicking on the info button in SM is fixed
An issue preventing the display of characters in the villain reward pool is fixed 
The progression bar in Double Penetration event is fixed
The issue impacting the Blessings in Nutaku is fixed
A visual issue impacting the position of the Waifu in the menu is fixed

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