Journey Through Time and Seduce Spirit-Vessel Babes In Soul Descent!

In the heart of a world shaped by ancient conflicts and mystical forces, Soul Descent beckons you into a realm where fate hangs in the balance. As the Supervisor of the Time Authority, a division within the Six Nations Confederation, your path intertwines with that of unique spirit-vessel warriors. These remarkable beings, ranging from bubbly to lethal, await your guidance as you navigate through a land shadowed by the remnants of the Spirit-vessel War.

In Soul Descent, you’ll experience a new turn-based system that combines deep-strategy gameplay with engaging RPG elements. Plus, who could resist a game with great atmosphere, epic graphics, and characters with unique personalities that immerse you in their world?

Get ready to navigate political tensions, unravel secrets, and shape the future of nations as your decisions resonate across time and space!

Do you think you have what it takes to command the sexiest squad ever and take control of your destiny? Download this free to play game today on PC and Mobile and show the world what it takes to be the best supervisors around!

We swear this game is totally worth the hype ;)


The Year 1997 Just Called, and They Want Their Fembots Back!

Image showing one of the busty girls from Soul Descent

In 2051, humanity first observed their existence. But the appearance of the Ether Spirits led to the collapse of the world’s physical laws, causing unprecedented natural disasters worldwide. In response, the concept of “Vessels” was proposed. This special operations organization, Time Authority, was thus established. Their main duty is to go to the scene, find the Ether Spirits, contain them in bionic bodies, eliminate related threats, and manage them. The Ether Spirits sealed in bionic bodies are referred to as; Spirit-Vessels.

On one such mission to locate a Spirit-Vessel in Neo City, 3 kilometers from the dock district, the night sky drapes over the city, thunder roaring, and a torrential downpour enveloping the city. We are introduced to our first team member, Fenglan, a beautifully striking woman carrying two blades. She finds traces of the “spirit manifestations”. As her Supervisor, you tell her that they are one step too late and the target has yet to be found.  

Fenglan notices the raindrops are all suspended in mid-air, and gravity has ceased to function here. However, the rain suddenly feels different…reaching out a hand to touch the raindrops suspended in mid-air, they do not feel as soft as usual.

Image showing some of the game story

Could they be encapsulated by an Ether energy shell? This isn’t a natural occurrence…It’s clear that the Ascension Association intervened somehow.  

The race is on now to find the Ether Spirit before the Ascension Association does! However, when the disappearance of the spirit-vessel, the numerous spirit-corpses attacking your rag tag team, and the inability to communicate with the headquarters happens all in one day, it’s too much of a coincidence. The likelihood of the Ascension Association being involved in these incidents just keeps increasing! Ever since the Spirit-Vessel War, the Association had gone quiet and no one had seen them since. It seems they’ve suddenly decided to start various operations and have accumulated quite a bit of power over the years.

Speaking of enemies, some mutated spirit corpses sent by the Association interrupt your squad as you try to solve this mystery!

Time to ready yourself for the fierce battles in Soul Descent, but don’t worry because we’ll guide you to victory!


3D Battle Royal: Ascension Association vs Nightingale Squad

Image showing the beautiful 3d gameplay of Soul Descent

Who are these ghouls sent by the Ascension Association exactly though? They look like a bunch of Kroonenberg tentacle porn monster rejects! The docks seem to be crawling with these spirit corpses, as you hear a few shambling your way.

Luckily, we have our ever loyal and obedient Fenglan, and now Li! She is another member of the Nightingale Squad, a group led by you, and a division of the Time Authority. Viciously lethal and mysterious, Li arrives just in time to help you fight off these abominations!  They block your path to getting back to the headquarters, where a fire has spread rapidly up in that direction.

Your first fight is up against a crew of zombies and bloated corpses mutated with tentacles, oh my! Sent to drain the Ether energy from Spirit-Vessels, they use their naughty tentacles to drink up all that sweet Ether juice. If a Spirit-Vessel is not able to escape these creepy crawlies, then she will be unable to reawaken as a new Vessel and doomed to become a spirit-corpse forever!

We’ll need to create our lineup of babes fast, which is the bread and butter of Soul Descent! Our sexy tutorial guide is Fenglan, who prompts you to head over to the Squad section from the Home screen. From there, simply tap on the plus sign and choose whether you want Fenglan as Offense or Defense. Since she’s a Mage, depending on her spell casting range and the type of enemy, you can either place her at the front or back of your lineup. Once done adding your warriors, you can then go into Attack Mode. Eventually, you will be able to speed run your way through attacks or play hands free as your Vessels fend off enemies.

Narrowly escaping these creatures, and a fire raging in the distance where the headquarters is located, our squad must save what’s left of the Time Authority and stop whatever plans the Association has in store for them all!

There’s no saving your comrades and taking down the Association though, if your squad isn’t at the top of their game. You will need to spend some time properly equipping your team, and honing their specialized abilities until no one stands a chance against your warrior baddies!



Equipment & Gear: Forging Epic Weapons

Image of the character menu with the girl Phylora

Before we get ourselves into another battle, let’s be sure we are properly equipped to fight the good fight! Trust us, Soul Descent has plenty of those! We’ll need to swing by the Character Info section from the Home screen and then select Equipment to get started.

Equipment is divided into two categories: Common and Set Equipment. Common Equipment is mainly obtained from combat in the main story mode. Compared to Set Equipment, which is mainly obtained from events. Each of your girls can wear up to 6 parts of equipment, namely; weapons, armor, greaves, leg armor, auxiliary and defense. Some equipment requires that your Characters reach a certain level, but you’ll get there in no time!

However, there are a few steps you will want to take first when acquiring gear before you enter any battles. Such as reinforcing your equipment, which can increase the basic status of your armor. Next is refining the materials of your equipment as well as purifying them. Lastly, there is the Crystal Attachment function, where you can use the crystals you collect from Missions or through Normal Story Mode to bedazzle certain parts of your equipment.

Image showing one of the girls Calis that you can recruit in Soul Descent

If you continuously take these steps to strengthen your gear for each of your babes, you’ll never face defeat in battle! Keep in mind though that the more you trick out your equipment, the more materials you consume.

What happens to the equipment you aren’t using though; you might be asking yourself?

Well wonder no more my friends, because they can be Disassembled or Sold. Get that bag hunty! Your babes can even share outfits through the Equipment Inheritance function. The best part is, none of your hard work reinforcing, refining, purifying or inlaying precious crystals the equipment may come with, will not be lost in between Characters!

So, now that you’ve leveled up your Soul Descent weapons, your girls will need to train hard and awaken their specialized abilities.

Let’s get to jazzercizing ladies!


Training & Awakening your Inner Spirit-Vessel

Image showing some of the stages you will get to earn reward from and a blue hair beautiful girl from Soul Descent

To be the very best there ever was in Soul Descent, you’ll need to use your Supervisor stamina to whip these beauties into shape so they reach their full potential! Let’s learn how to do just that!

As you make your way further into the story, you eventually unlock the Training and Awakening function. The functional awakening system is just one way to reinforce your Character’s innate abilities, and can be in the Character Info section. Once you have selected one of your girls, you will then head over to the Gene tab. You will see a tab labeled Awakening; here you can use biopower to reinforce your Character’s status. Once you’ve reinforced the status to the maximum level, you can then awaken her skills and make her stronger. You will notice the star levels of your Character’s, as each starts at 0 and maxes out at 10. When the star level is full, you can then hit the Evolve button. Every time a Character evolves, their status will be greatly improved; and can also learn new skills.

Image showing the victory screen from Soul Descent

Your job as Supervisor doesn’t end there just yet, because once the Training system has been unlocked, we really get down to business! Again, you find the Training tab by selecting a Character, then going through the Gene tab and selecting Training. Something worth noting is the Gene system, which is divided into Power and Function. Through Power reinforcement you can increase the Status as well as the Evolution of new skill effects for your Characters. Functional Exercise still raises your Characters status, and it also gives your Spirit-Vessels a boost when in Training. Additionally, there are 4 types of exercise methods; C-level, B-level, A-level, and S-level exercise. Each exercise level consumes a different material, ranging from pressure wires to diamonds. Eventually, you can set it to auto-train, so you can use your hands for more important things! Like cozying up to a harem of beautiful warriors who need a little guidance in the bedroom.

Who better than you to ease them into their first time?

Let’s brush up on the basics of dating a Spirit-Vessel, although, we doubt you need it!


Schmoozing 101

Image showing the beautiful girls you can unlock in Soul Descent

The first step when dating a Spirit-Vessel in Soul Descent, is to get to know them one on one!

Afterall, every Spirit-Vessel you meet along your journey has unique characteristics and mannerisms that are different from one to the next.

The key to a Vessels’ heart is also getting to know what makes each of them special. Before they were Spirit-Vessels, these gorgeous women were humans, who all had complex lives as well as hopes and dreams. Like Li, who suffered from a nervous system disease in her past life, before being reborn into her current synthetic body. That doesn’t mean she can’t feel human pleasure though, because we get a deliciously sensual hentai scene where you get to be Li’s first time ever!

Picture this, after a long day of being a Supervisor, you decide to head off to your room to catch some z’s. However, you must be more tired than you originally thought as you find yourself at what you think is your personal room. Surprise, surprise! Li has just opened the door to her bedroom as you were trying to put your code in to enter, but she herself seems like she is getting ready for bed because all she’s wearing is a silky black negligee. Her silver-white hair and pale skin shines like moonlight against the darkness of her nighty, through the lace you can see more of her unblemished skin and can’t help yourself when she guides you to her bed.

Image of the beautiful Li ready to jump in your arms

Suddenly, the scene changes as the POV shifts to your perspective and in all her 3D glory, Li has spread herself beneath you. The scene looks like a feast fit for a King, and you’ll gladly step in because this is one meal you won’t want to pass up on! Get ready to totally immerse yourself in the sheer pleasure as you grip Li’s knees to keep her legs open, thrusting into her over and over. Li’s moans will haunt you late at night long afterwards, as her begging you not to stop rings in your ears. Nothing could stop you though from bedding this baddie, not even Santa Claus himself!

The best part is, there is a built-in spank bank in Soul Descent! Make your way to Character info, then select any of your lusty babes and check out the Plot tab, where you will find any unlocked scenes you have access too. The only way to accumulate more of these sexy moments is to use items in the First Met section of their Character page. Through the use of items, you collect when completing missions, battles, or challenges, you can woo these OP cuties! Like most human women, Vessels love receiving; makeup, jewelry, boxes of chocolate, liquor, sweets, and snuggly plushies to press up against their huge racks when they miss you. With enough TLC, your Spirit-Vessels will be back for more often!

So, now that we’ve got your blood flowing, are you up for more goodies?


Competitions, Missions, Rewards & More!

Image showing some of the game modes with a beautiful girl from Soul Descent

Like any well-oiled machine, the Time Authority is no different.

Constantly battling the Ascension Association does sap resources and any reserves your squad has in their Inventory. In Soul Descent, there are plenty of opportunities to plunder and build your wealth! Like going on specialized missions for resources, entering competitions against other Supervisors for the #1 spot on the leaderboards, or going on adventures to claim more rewards.

In Spec Ops, you are given detailed Mission reports in the Supervisor Training section. The Missions contain the number of enemies you will be up against, as well as their stats and the possible rewards you can claim. From Supervisor Training, you can switch pages to check other Missions that can either reinforce your equipment or raise your Supervisor levels. The more Missions you unlock and complete, the better the loot! The further you progress within the game leads you to unlocking the Standard Ops section where Supervisors can earn action rewards by logging in and completing Missions every day. Be sure to also take the time to recruit more Spirit-Vessels as well as upgrading their CPUs, because this battle against the Association won’t be easy.

Image showing the stunning gameplay that you get to live in Soul Descent

The Develop tab is where you can find the Next-Gen Development and Supply section. This event allows you to participate in a fun lottery using either Basic or Premium Limited Tickets. By joining in the draw, you can earn Next Generation Bonuses to keep or exchange for Character Shards. That’s only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the amount of limited, exclusive or basic events Soul Descent offers!

Of course, maybe you want Spartacus level glory instead of shiny bobbles. Test your mettle in the Elite Chapters once you have unlocked them and find the battle focused chapters. Each level gets harder than the last until you reach the grossest Boss Battle ever!  Try to build up your fighting skills fast, as you battle against the nightmare fodder that masquerades as mutated goons for the Association. You can obtain powerful items in the Elite Stages, but the number of times you can challenge each day is limited.

While still in the Elite Chapters section, you can unlock the Adventure Exploration tab. Here there is a mission labelled Spec Ops, the targets are even more powerful than your regular enemy encounters.

Wait there’s more! The Elite Chapters contain a section named the Competition Arena, arguably the most fun part of the game I’ve ever had. The competitive streak in me loves that I get to challenge a range of low to high ranking players and get rewarded for it! Before you challenge another Supervisor’s squad, you can adjust your lineup or see how you rank against others in the Soul Descent ranking system.

Are you ready to become Supervisor of the month every month? Heck yeah, you are!


Join The World of Soul Descent Today!

One of he adorable girl you will meet in Soul Descent

Prepare to navigate the intricate tapestry of Soul Descent, where you will find yourself not only in control of battles but in command of destiny itself. Leading sexy Spirit-Vessel warriors through a world scarred by political conflict and shadowed by ancient rivalries, you will need to form alliances, uncover secrets, and decide how you want to shape your destiny!

Enjoy immersing yourself in the thrilling plot while you use strategy elements to fight your way through any obstacles that come your way. Soul Descent will have you addicted to the point that you will want to login every day to not only claim a boatload of rewards, but also to join exclusive events and see if you can reach the top of the ranks!

Are you ready to carve out your legacy?

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