Master's Wonderland!

 ♥Update Content♥
1. Added limited-time characters
★SSR Clairvoyant Amethystina
★SSR Bunny Croupier Ayane
★SSR Bunny Croupier Iblis
2. Added ['Tis Fortuitous Fate!] Summon Banner
- Availability: 2024/09/11 Post Update ~ 2024/10/16 10:00 (UTC 8)
- Pick-up Characters & Summon Probabilities:
★SSR Clairvoyant Amethystina 0.5%
★SSR Bunny Croupier Ayane 0.5%
★SSR Bunny Croupier Iblis 0.5%
※The total summon probabilities of the ★SSR characters is 1.5%
※Guaranteed summon of a limited Pick-up ★SSR character within 100 summons on the designated banner.
3. Added a limited-time event [Master's Wonderland]
- Availability: 2024/09/11 Post Update ~ 2024/10/02 10:00 (UTC 8)
※Clear the event stages to obtain event points. Collecting enough points will allow you to add Clairvoyant Amethystina to your harem!
4. Added a limited-time Challenge [Cosmic Guidance]
- Availability: 2024/09/25 12:00 ~ 2024/10/02 10:00 (UTC 8)
5. Added [Cheeky Caesar's Opening Giveaway] limited-time log-in rewards
- Availability: 2024/09/12 05:00 ~ 2024/10/03 04:59 (UTC 8)
6. Added [Lady Luck Is on Your Side] limited time bundle
- Availability: 2024/09/11 Post Update ~ 2024/10/16 10:00 (UTC 8)
- Contains: "Lady Luck Is on Your Side" *1, Forbidden Fruit *40, Large Energy Potion *10, Superior Selectable Key Box *1, Key Box *1
- Purchase Requirements: available to purchase once the Store has been unlocked.
※Use "Lady Luck Is on Your Side" to add "Clairvoyant Amethystina", "Bunny Croupier Ayane", or "Bunny Croupier Iblis" to your harem!
7. [Brand-new Event Bundles]
- Availability: 2024/09/11 Post Update ~ 2024/10/16 10:00 (UTC 8)
※For more details, please check out the [Store] after the update.
8. Added [STEP Summon] Limited-edition Summon Banner
- Availability: 2024/09/25 12:00 ~ 2024/10/16 10:00 (UTC 8)
- Pick-up Characters & Summon Probabilities:
★SSR Fair Pixie Vanilla Nyoro 1%
★SSR Deputy Lieutenant Belladonna 1%
★SSR Summer Fiora 1%
※ The total summon probabilities of the ★SSR characters is 3%.
※Guaranteed summon of a limited Pick-up ★SSR character within 60 summons on the designated banner.
- Details:
Each summon requires [Souls*2]. The number of summons made will accumulate as more are performed. Players will receive STEP rewards after hitting a certain number of summons.
- STEP Rewards:
10th draw: obtain [Summon Contract *5]
20th draw: obtain [Assault Ticket *100]
30th draw: obtain [Demonites *1500]
40th draw: obtain [Liberation Crystal *1]
50th draw: obtain [STEP Character Select Ticket]
80th draw: obtain [Forbidden Fruit*20]
100th draw: obtain [STEP Character Select Ticket]
※Use "STEP Character Select Ticket" to add 1 character from this Pick-up banner to your harem!
※The above rewards can only be obtained once.
9. Opened season 21 of The Demon Spire
- Availability: 2024/09/18 12:00 ~ 2024/11/27 10:00 (UTC 8)
10. Added fast clear function to [The Demon Spire]
If 60 levels of the Demon Spire are cleared, on the next Demon Spire challenge, the player will immediately obtain rewards of the first 30 levels and begin the challenge on the 31st level.
For example: In season 20 of [The Demon Spire], upon clearing the 60th floor, you will be able to directly claim the rewards for floors 1 to 30 in season 21 and start your challenge from the 31st floor.
※ The 21st Season of [The Demon Spire] officially introduces the Quick Clear function.
11. Added [Title System]
♥Optimizations and Fixes♥
1. Typo fixes.
2. Added a new feature to battle stages: the ability to adjust the "Battle Status Display" order.
3. Added descriptions for certain battle stages, viewable before entering the battle.

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