Harem Heroes - Game Updates December 11th

New Adventure


World 19 - Nude City

Quest 14 “The New Plan”: 

“This is probably the most sensible plan you've made so far.” 

Check out the latest adventure! 

Q&A with Rosso 2024 December 5th:

At the end of 2023, there was a survey about new features for the game. What’s the status of those features? Will all of them be added? Specifically, what’s happening with Pachinko V2?

2024 has been focused on improving the game and fixing bugs, better quality, and adding very little features.

And we're also improving drastically the experience for new players, you will see it across the next 3 months (tutorial, login, etc.).

For example, when we started the game, there was a majority of desktop players, but now we need to expand to mobile users.

The goal is to have lots of new players in the game and enhance the community for everyone's enjoyment.

Advertising has become too expensive, so we have to improve players’ retention by improving the experience (first on HH, then through all games).

When this is done, we will go through those features, and maybe ask you again for your feedback on new features, but not before February 2025.

New parallel adventure with Bunny on HH?

Production has started.  It took us some time because we're doing too many things at the same time, but it will be coming in 2025. It's going to be a story of Bunny 100 years after the current adventure. I think you're going to love it.

Boss Bang event was replaced with Lively Scenes forever? What about the BB Mythic Booster?

We want to revive Boss Bang in a different way. Boosters are staying for now because "Ultra Boss Bang" will come back.

A new rewards system (bundles, referral, prestige) was introduced this year, is this for player retention? Did you notice problems with player's loyalty?

No, we think our players are quite loyal, especially this year when there was not much advertisement and new features, you stayed with us through these trying times, and with quality improvement, we hope you'll stay forevermore.

What can we expect for next year?

First part of the year, we're going to focus on making players happy and improving quality, then parallel adventures.

More subtle quality of life and design enhancement will happen so you can enjoy more art.

More mermaids in the game ?

Yes, mermaids are cool.

Will there be remakes of older chapters like for chapter 1?

Maybe. You'll see improvements on the story mostly in the new Mobile Battler game.

Are the video clips going to be included in the content of each recruit (GPSH)?

Complicated, content providers have a lot of demands about what we can and can't do.

More girls rewards in Pantheon ?

Yes, one day, Pantheon, champions... will be enhanced, like with some "hardcore mode", it will eventually happen.

New type of event to get Mythics that doesn't involve fighting villains?

Maybe, but not a priority.

Mythic version of [Character X]?

All your suggestions are forwarded to the content team, so they will be studied and may happen eventually.


Promo codes linked to events are dwindling, will they come back?

We'll discuss it internally, but it's possible.

Nutaku merging with Erogames?

It's nebulous still on Nutaku's side, we don't know... Erogames are not planned to close yet.

But if people want to migrate their account from Erogames to .com, we can do that.

Save a favorite team for Labyrinth?

Noted, that would be cool.

Lesbian harem game?

Probably not as a stand-alone game, but it could be a parallel adventure in HH (or elsewhere).

A system to save favorite recruits in the harem, to find them easier?

Yeah, it would be nice, it's on the to-do list.

Will Messenger be revived? What about the useless frames we're piling up?

Maybe one day, a shop where you can trade a resource for another could be interesting.

Amour Agent and Manga RPG: What challenges to advertise and broadcast those SFW games?

We need to expand past the porn/hentai market to get more players.

We are used to drawing jiggling boobs and sexy girls and guys, but it's a new challenge for us.

SFW platforms are too politically correct and say our characters are too sexy...

AA works a bit better, but we need to learn to sell these types of games.

And we've been talking with a lot of publishers, and they're all saying "You need an app", so... that's more work, but we'll get there.

More video scenes?

Not against it, but our team is already quite challenged to produce the ones we have.

Will we have more fights like the labyrinth in other spaces of the game?

Probably not.

Any chance of HH merchandise to purchase like shirts or cups?

Not in the immediate future.

Messenger feature on other games?

Very low chance.

What is your background? Are you more developer or artist?

Neither, I'm a businessman, or a bit of everything if you want.

Any plans to add MRPG and AA characters to HH/GH?

I'm all for it, but artists don't want to vilify their girls/guys in hentai games... It's going to happen, just a matter of time.

Comix Harem future?

Develop it as much as we can, but CxH is in the shadow of HH currently, we need to find a way to better sell it, maybe on Steam.

GPSH: why is it difficult to get new guys and not much legendary? What about revival events?

We'll check with the content manager, but we're struggling a bit to get nice guys and partners, maybe Carnal Media, we discussed with them, so maybe coming soon.

For revivals, we're on it.

Game translations in Spanish, Russian?

I don't know. Translations are a lot of work, we're not yet at the age of perfect AI translations.

Storylines are getting longer in HH/CXH, could you add more girls on old villains?

I don't see it as vital, so for now... boaf.

We want to make the stories more interactive though, with player decision trees like we did in AA, for example.

Will there be a way to get referral recruits? It's complicated to refer people for hentai games...

No plan to change the referral system for now.

Current referral recruits will be available later in Pachinko though, in around 6 months and new exclusive ones will be added to the Referral

PsH Nutaku: will there be parallel adventures that are only on PsH.com currently?

Some are original creations like Bunny's World, they should be everywhere, we're working on it. But Nutaku doesn't allow external links, so we can't put the parallel adventures linked to specific websites.

Stories with Bunny's mom / Lupa's mom?

Maybe in parallel adventure.

Hentai Clicker?

It's there, but it's not going to move much, some people in the company want to kill it, but I'm not for that, it will stay, but no changes.

Furry characters?

Maybe in parallel adventures, if enough people like it.

"Equip all" feature like we have "Unequip all" to equip the whole harem?

Maybe when we have more time, nothing is planned.

Avatar system improved?

Not in the foreseeable future.

Some past event recruits can't be accessed anymore, what can we do about it?

We'll find something to make it happen eventually.

What are your thoughts about folks playing on multiple accounts?  Is it a concern?

Yes, I know who you are and am going to get you one by one 😈

It's a bit borderline, but that's ok if you don't abuse it.

Part 2 


How do you ensure the game appeals to both casual and competitive players?

We'll try to mix it up: 5 minutes of easy gameplay for casuals and a lot more to delve into for competition.

What’s your favorite feature or aspect of the game?

The girls animated in portrait, super cool.

Are there plans for post-launch updates or additional content for the game?

Yes, don't worry, we're going to publish a roadmap for what's going to happen next, release will be only the first step.

What feedback from players during testing influenced the final version of the game?

The main feedback is "fix the bugs", which we are doing. It's heavily tested internally.

We can't really test it in the Nutaku environment even though it will be released there, so it's a bit annoying, but we're doing a lot so it can be launched successfully.

How do you approach balancing creativity and business strategy in game development?

We're not a typical game studio: I don't want our GD team to be too creative, we need our games to be easy to understand and apprehend. The creativity is in the art.

What does success look like for HH Mobile Battler?

2023/24 have difficult years, so for now, success will be if the game reaches the popularity of PsH for example. We want our game to be played, of course.

Are there plans to expand to other platforms or genres in the future?

Maybe on Steam, but it's complicated to talk with them. For other genres, we'll need to get more outside expertise.

Can you walk us through a day in your life as the CEO of a game studio?

It starts at 7 AM waking the kids, then 1 hour of gym, and the rest of the day is meetings, discussions, and working on specific topics.

Maybe when I have time - 30 to 60 minutes of outside pleasure, like piano or guitar, or singing...

What’s been the most memorable moment in the development of HH Mobile Battler?

It's a difficult development. We need to release it before Christmas, so the best moment will be the release date.

What qualities do you think are most important for leading a game development team?

Good human qualities and expertise in your domain.

How do you balance creativity and business needs when making decisions?

Very little creativity, it is all about data, and science. We used to use a lot of creativity and it was hell. Maybe we can experiment more later if we're big and successful, but for now, let's balance things out correctly without bugs.

Is Kinkoid from Eastern Europe or France?

I'm French from Italian origins and have been living in Bulgaria for 16 years.

We have a mix of mostly French and Bulgarian staff, but also a Cuban dev and artists from all over the world. 

I'd love to open a studio in France (Lyon) and Belgium (Charleroi).

Can HH have future parodies of well-known Hentai IP? If not IP,  can KK invite well-known Hentai artists?

Sure, why not? Famous artists might be too expensive though.

How big is the Kinkoid team?

A bit more than 50 people in Sofia, plus 100 freelancers for all the art.

About Lively Scenes: are you satisfied with the feedback?

I like the results, it's something I've wanted for a long time in the game.

Not sure about the data, I didn't get numbers on this but I think it's worth it.

Is there a reason for not changing the Koban value for HH Nutaku to be the same as in all other games (i.e. x6)? Other than the effort it may take to adjust it in the code?

I don't know, I'll search for it.

How long do you think Manga RPG will stay in 'beta'?

I'm not satisfied with the story, the team themselves are not really happy. So we're thinking about restarting the story with a different perspective.

It was always thought to be able to contain many stories, so that's what we'll do.

Do you have a future feature the team's working on you can tease us about?

Not a feature, but we have a project we worked on since 2010, we have always been into communities, so we want to bring together communities of artists and game developers. So you might see something like that in the next 3-6 months.

Will the Bunny storyline be released in one go, or will it drop progressively?

We'll start with a few quests to get you hooked, then release periodically. Starting early 2025.

Do the newly introduced animations in the story scenes since the previous world take more work per story chapter, or is it roughly the same?

Roughly the same. The artists are into making cool stuff, so they want to improve animations even more.

But I think when it's well done, it's better in my opinion.


Content Survey Results


More than 700 of you voted.

Your favorite girls are:


1.Hex with 17,8% of the votes

2.Winter Spirit with 11,7% of the votes

3.Sineya– 7,4% of votes

Your least favorite recruits are:

1.Alt. Nicole with 24,9% of votes

2.Agni with 9,1% 

3.Touchie with 8,6% of the votes


Bug Fixed

The Prestige level is no longer displayed twice on the hero page 

Link Copied to Clipboard

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